Thursday, August 28, 2008


On the final leg of our travels, we're now in Tokyo and it's living up to its reputation as a big, busy, stimulating urban jungle. Last night I saw the entire city from above and it was like an ocean of lights that stretched into the distance in all directions. Honestly, I think that it'll take me a couple of days to adjust to the crowds, noise, lights and excitement.

Now for the exciting news! We found the place where they sell the fake food - Kitchenware-town in Asakusa district here in Tokyo. I spent the morning wandering around the restaurant supply stores and shops that carry all the fake food you could ever want from whole fish to mixed drinks. I was really impressed by how well-made the food is, which is probably why one item costs upwards of 5000¥($50). After spending some time perusing all that food we were hungry and went for lunch.

Other highlights have included a visit to Senso-ji (a very big and active Buddhist temple), a Kabuki performance last night (none of which I understood), and a visit to Electric-town where they sell all things electronic. I'm a little tired from all the hustle and bustle so I'll get a good nights sleep and post more later.


Unknown said...

aHi Jen,
Already in Tokyo? Did you fly? Waiting to hear more.. :-)


Unknown said...

LOL, clearly I needed to read ahead!!