Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This will be my final post from Kraków because I'm packing up and leaving for Wrocław tomorrow. I'm actually kinda happy to be leaving because I haven't had a green salad or a decent night's sleep since I got here. I haven't been writing much because I reached a saturation point last week and since then it's been a struggle to speak in full sentences, let alone write in them. It's been raining and cold almost everyday so I've got cabin fever and I'm pretty homesick. Tonight I'll go to the farewell ceremony and party then maybe I'll go out dancing. I have to say that the "intensive program" is a little too intense for me. I'm including some pictures of everyday stuff around here and of my trip to Częstochowa last weekend (which I didn't have time to write about). I'll try to find an internet cafe in the next couple of days and update you on my recuperation. See you then.

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