Friday, July 18, 2008


One truly Polish tradition is the Ognisko (or bonfire), where people roast sausage and sing songs. Since Tuesday nights are "cultural" nights we all hopped on a bus and headed to The Wolski Wood (Lasek Wolski) which a big park (>450 ha) in the west of the city for a bonfire. The woods were really nice and secluded and it had a really nicely organized firepit with lots of comfy benches to sit on. The organizers came prepared with rubbermaid containers of sausage, potatoes and corn on the cob as well as pre-made roasting sticks and a projector to show the song lyrics. We were taught a couple of songs and some dances and games then headed back to town on the bus. It's always hilarious when we try to go somewhere on the public transit because our groups are always huge (I don't even know how many people, but I would say 50-100) and we take over the tram or the bus. The locals must just love us!

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