Friday, July 18, 2008


We have three meals a day here: śnadanie (breakfast from 7-9am), obiad (dinner from 2-3pm) i kolacja (supper from 6-8pm). Unlike back home, lunch doesn't exist and dinner is the main meal of the day (and my favourite) and we always have a meat and a veggi option, but the later is usually full of cheese. So I guess I'll start at the beginning. Śnadanie is a buffet of ham, bread, various cheeses, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled eggs, yogurt and of course juice, tea and coffee. If you really want there is a pot of boiled wieners and cereals of various kinds. Needless to say, breakfast is not my favourite meal, the idea of eating meat for breakfast everyday is foreign to me, but I've started doing it since there is such a long time between the first and second meals, as you'll soon see I'm eating a lot of meat. Obiad is usually a full dinner starting with a delicious soup, then a tasty kutlet or chicken leg, potatoes, carrots and kompot to drink. The dessert is always cream based so I skip it and opt for a cup of tea. Kolacja starts with sałatka (salad, which sometimes has lettuce in it) and is almost always followed by pierogi of some kind, but I'm happy to report that the potato ones (ruskie) are not my favourite any more. This meal is always smaller, if not lighter, and I sometimes skip it all together since it's mostly potatoes. When it's not pierogi, they serve potato pancakes with sauce, zepiekanki (which I can't translate) or gulasz, then a piece of fruit (which is never ripe and I save in my room for breakfast a few days later). Overall I'm surviving pretty well, but I fear that my pants won't fit when I get home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've inspired me - I'm going to get some wieners and start having them for breakfast, instead of cereal! It's good to see that you're rounding out your blog nicely - the links to other websites, many photo albums, more info about you in your profile, etc. It's all looking good...