Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Language class is like being in elementary school again, except you don't know what the teacher is saying to you. We're learning how to count, tell time, describe stuff and talk about ourselves. It's strange because everyone is at a different level, some can speak and understand but not read or write and others can write but not read etc... Our teachers are nice, they have infinite patience and try very hard to teach our unruly class to communicate in Polish. We walk about 5 min each day to get to class in a liceum nearby (I'm not sure if liceum is elementary or highschool, maybe you can tell me). We have these cute classrooms and a little canteen with a nice lady that sells us coffee. We are in class from 8:30 am until 1:30 pm with a couple of breaks, but honestly it's killer. By the third period we're pretty beat.

Today I wrote the final test and did my oral presentation to the class. I feel that I could have done better, but I also feel that I've tried really hard over the last three weeks and I can accept that I'm not going to be fluent overnight. I'm sad to leave but also happy to be finished.


jennymay13 said...

Wow I can't believe you are finished already! That is crazy! Time flies. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it though. I have loved reading your blogs Jen! Will you be continuing with it while you are in Japan? I really hope this post works...I have tried about 20 times. I have had to create new accounts as well. Anyway hope you are having a fantastic time and enjoy every bit of it! Love Jen

Unknown said...

Liceum is the same as lycée in France, and it would be at the same age level as highshool in Canada.

Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

Yeah I hear that comenting is a bitch, thanks for your dedication Jen! I miss you!